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International Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology

International Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology

A Potentially Fatal Complication Following Polypectomy: The Conservative Management of Intramural Colonic Hematoma
Ravinder Mankoo

University of Missouri School of Medicine, Columbia, Missouri, USA

Correspondence to Author: Ravinder Mankoo

Most clinical experts believe colonoscopy to be a protected method with a low pace of extreme inconveniences, for example, gut hole, gastrointestinal parcel dying, or mortality. Gut wall hematoma is an uncommon confusion related with colonoscopy that can bring about critical dismalness and even mortality. We present an instance of postpolypectomy hematoma determined to have CT imaging and effectively oversaw in a moderate style.

Keyphrases: Hematoma, Postpolypectomy, Entanglement, Colonoscopy


Colonoscopy is a generally protected method with revealed paces of iatrogenic entrail hole going from <1 to 3%, iatrogenic draining <0.3 to 1%, and by and large mortality of <0.7% [1, 2, 3, 4]. Entrail wall hematoma is a known, however extremely interesting, complexity of colonoscopy frequently optional to dull injury from the endoscope, exacerbated by fundamental coagulopathies or anticoagulation treatment [5]. Patients with an inside wall hematoma regularly present with stomach torment, rectal draining or hemodynamic flimsiness inside 48 h of colonoscopy [6]. Intracolonic draining is more normal than extracolonic dying, pericolonic dying, or intramural dying, and keeping in mind that most episodes are generally harmless, some draining occasions can be lethal [6, 7].

Case Report:

A 77-year-old Caucasian female with ulcerative colitis, diverticulosis, and liver blisters went through elective reconnaissance colonoscopy. Two 1 cm cecal polyps were taken out utilizing cold catch with resulting position of 3 hemostasis cuts. Four 2-to 4-mm climbing colon polyps were eliminated utilizing cold biopsy forceps. A sessile 1-cm cross over colon polyp was raised with infusion of ordinary saline and eliminated utilizing cold catch with the resulting arrangement of 2 hemostasis cuts. The colon was fixed and convoluted; notwithstanding, the mucosa was ordinary aside from gentle erythema of the climbing colon and rectum without ulceration, and moderate container colonic diverticulosis. Following the method, the patient experienced sharp, left-lower quadrant stomach torment. She was coordinated to the Crisis Office for additional assessment. A stomach CT filter showed another 1.8 cm × 2.9 cm liquid assortment between the second rate post of the spleen and the splenic flexure without contrast extravasation or stomach free air,reminiscent of an entrail wall hematoma. Important bodily functions were steady and beginning lab results, including hemoglobin, were typical. The patient was conceded for close hemodynamic checking and torment the board. She was released home the next day, and at short term follow-up about fourteen days after the fact she was totally torment free. Rehash stomach CT 4 months after the fact showed total goal of the entrail wall hematoma.


While entanglements related with colonoscopy are uncommon and by and large harmless, there are sure confusions, especially those related with polypectomy, that can be deadly [5]. Moderately minor inconveniences incorporate stomach torment, bulging, loose bowels, sickness, self-restricted gastrointestinal draining and symptoms of pharmacologic sedation. More serious confusions incorporate colon hole, high-volume gastrointestinal dying, diverticulitis and postpolypectomy disorder [5]. A substantially more uncommon intricacy of colonoscopy is entrail wall hematoma [8]. Ordinary introducing side effects are like those of other postcolonoscopy confusions, including stomach torment and gastrointestinal dying, making this possibly lethal inconvenience hard to analyze. Earlier examinations have recommended that CT filter is the best method for diagnosing postcolonoscopy difficulties including hole or inside wall hematoma [6]. This case features how a possibly lethal postpolypectomy entrail wall hematoma can give obscure and effectively dismissible side effects. Thusly, suppliers should comprehend the differential conclusion of postcolonoscopy entanglements and have a high file of doubt for patients who might require further workup of additional serious confusions. Furthermore, this case models a moderate way to deal with the administration of a steady gut wall hematoma that incorporates introductory emergency clinic confirmation for hemodynamic perception, hemoglobin observing, and side effect control, with close short term reassessment.


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Ravinder Mankoo . A Potentially Fatal Complication Following Polypectomy: The Conservative Management of Intramural Colonic Hematoma. International Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2022.