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International Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology

International Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Effect of an oral care gel for a hepatitis C patient's burning mouth syndrome
Yumiko Nagao

Department of Organ System Interactions and Information, Faculty of Medicine, Saga University, Saga, Japan

Correspondence to Author: Yumiko Nagao

Consuming mouth condition (BMS) is a consuming sensation in the mouth with no hidden dental or clinical reason. Until this point in time, there is no acceptable treatment for BMS. In this, we present the instance of a 42-year-old female giving hepatitis C infection disease alongside BMS. Notwithstanding two interferon treatments and a supported virologic reaction, the uneasiness in her oral mucosa endured. At 51 years old, the patient griped of consuming sensation and shivering torment in the tongue; a slim layer of REFRECARE-H®, an oral consideration gel (remedial dentifrice), was applied on the oral film after every feast for 60 days.

Keywords: Consuming mouth disorder, Hepatitis C infection, Oral consideration gel


Consuming mouth condition (BMS) is a constant aggravation problem described by consuming and stinging of the oral pit without natural sickness. BMS ordinarily influences moderately aged ladies [1]. An exceptionally trademark component of this sickness is the presence of a totally typical seeming oral mucosa in relationship with the grievance of a seriously consuming mouth or tongue. The tissue has the very variety as that of the encompassing tissue, with typical dissemination of tongue papillae. Up until this point, there is no acceptable treatment for BMS. Hormonal changes, neurologic issues, and idiopathic illness are as hard to distinguish as they are to treat.

The quantity of hepatitis C infection (HCV) transporters in Japan is assessed to be 1.5-2 million. HCV contamination is the main source of liver cirrhosis and malignant growth, and furthermore incites extrahepatic signs, for example, lichen planus [2, 3]. We recently detailed the visual simple scale (VAS) and impacts of REFRECARE-H® (EN Otsuka Drug Co., Ltd.), a hinokitiol-containing oral consideration gel, on patients with oral lichen planus related with HCV disease [4]. REFRECARE-H® is a remedial dentifrice containing hinokitiol, which can eliminate dental stains and general oral flotsam and jetsam, and is successful in the counteraction of breath smell and gum sicknesses.

HCV likewise gives a mental test. Patients with HCV are bound to have mental issues, with sadness being the most regular and clinically significant [5]. In this, we report the instance of a 42-year-elderly person with HCV contamination, who was determined to have BMS and, thusly, treated with REFRECARE-H®. VAS is a basic and oftentimes involved technique for assessing varieties in torment power [6]. Accordingly, we explored the VAS and impacts of REFRECARE-H® on this patient.

Case Presentation:

In July 2008, a 42-year-old Japanese female visited the Kurume College Emergency clinic (Fukuoka, Japan) griping of glossal distress before interferon therapy for persistent hepatitis C. She was determined to have BMS by an expert oral specialist. No signs or side effects of oral lichen planus, Sjögren's condition, Candida albicans, and oral disease were seen in the patient's oral depression. There was no set of experiences of blood bonding, tattoo, or infusion drug use. Besides, the patient was not an ongoing liquor consumer or smoker. Thusly, she got Stake interferon alpha-2b and ribavirin treatment for ongoing hepatitis C for quite a long time, yet didn't reach supported virologic reaction. At 44 years old (in 2010), the patient got immediate acting antivirals, daclatasvir (NS5A inhibitor) in addition to Fix interferon alpha-2a and ribavirin for a long time. In the long run, the destruction of HCV was fruitful in the patient. In any case, in the wake of accomplishing a supported virologic reaction following the treatment, the uneasiness in the oral mucosa didn't vanish totally.

At 51 years old (in 2016), she talked with a similar oral specialist about the intraoral uneasiness, yet no natural irregularity was tracked down in the mouth. In February 2017 (age 51), she visited the oral specialist again with a grievance of consuming sensation and shivering torment in the tongue. She encountered no taste issue. On the other hand, she was under drug (etizolam and Chinese medication) for side effects connected with menopause; be that as it may, the intraoral side effects were not feeling quite a bit better.

REFRECARE-H®, an oral consideration gel, was applied as a slender layer on the oral film after every dinner for 60 days. A VAS is a level line, 100 mm long, moored by word descriptors at each end, as delineated in Figure Figure1.1. The patients set apart on the line the point that they felt addressed their impression of their present status, for example, shivering torment of the tongue during rest, oral uneasiness, breath scent, dry mouth, oral agony at eating times, rest jumble, burdensome temperament, and nervousness. The VAS not entirely set in stone by estimating, in millimeters, from the left hand stopping point to the point set apart by the patient.

The patient checked the VAS consistently structure February 2, 2017 to April 30, 2017, preceding utilization of REFRECARE-H®, 2 months during use of the gel, and multi month after the finish of use (REFRECARE-H® free). Utilization of REFRECARE-H® worked on the personal satisfaction, for example, shivering torment, oral distress, breath smell, rest jumble, burdensome state of mind, and anxiety; the improvement in side effects went on for 30 days after use of REFRECARE-H®. Thus, we accept that REFRECARE-H® could be viable in lessening the side effects related with BMS.


The pervasiveness of BMS is remembered to go from 0.7 to 15% [7, 8, 9]. It influences moderately aged and more seasoned ladies (mean age, 50-60 years), with a female-to-male proportion fluctuating from 3:1 to 16:1 [10, 11].

The etiology of BMS is shifted, making it hard to translate the sickness clinically [1]. The side effects of agony seem, by all accounts, to be because of different reasons like microorganisms (particularly Candida albicans), xerostomia with Sjögren's disorder, wholesome lacks, paleness, chemical irregularity, neuropsychiatric anomalies, diabetes mellitus, mechanical injury, and idiopathic causes.

The current case was muddled as the patient gave hepatitis C at the beginning of BMS. Patients with hepatitis C have high paces of mental side effects and diminished personal satisfaction when contrasted and everyone [12, 13]. The predominance of sorrow with HCV disease is accounted for to be 24-28% [5]. In this report, the justification behind the beginning of BMS is obscure, yet HCV contamination might have gone about as a trigger for the improvement of BMS.

Stimulant treatment assumes a significant part in the administration of BMS once other hastening factors have been rejected [1]. Tricyclic antidepressants or a specific serotonin reuptake inhibitor might be utilized [14, 15]. Likewise, ongoing reports play proposed the part of everyday low-portion benzodiazepines, for example, clonazepam [16].

Subclinical Candida disease has been proposed as one of the etiological elements in patients with BMS [17]. REFRECARE-H®, a gel with viability against Candida albicans, could support limiting the shivering torment and oral distress, consequently working on the personal satisfaction of the patient for this situation report.

We have recently exhibited that REFRECARE-H® was instrumental in diminishing the abstract side effects in patients with oral lichen planus [4]. In the current review, utilization of REFRECARE-H® worked on the personal satisfaction of the patient as far as dry mouth, breath scent, oral newness, oral torment during rest, oral agony at eating times, taste jumble, loss of hunger, rest jumble, burdensome state of mind, and jumpiness.

All in all, this report exhibits that oral consideration gel can be utilized to address the emotional side effects and work on the personal satisfaction of a patient with BMS.


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Yumiko Nagao . Effect of an oral care gel for a hepatitis C patient's burning mouth syndrome. International Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2022.