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International Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology

International Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology

pneumatosis Cystoides Intestinalis with Intussusception in One Case
Keiichi Tadokoro

Department of Gastroenterology, Sendai Medical Center, Sendai, Japan

Correspondence to Author: Keiichi Tadokoro

pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis (pCI) is a phenomenal sickness that by and large needs side effects and is seldom connected with intussusception. A 29-year-elderly person visited our emergency clinic for right upper stomach torment. processed tomography (CT) examine uncovered numerous air-filled sores along the digestive wall and a pseudokidney sign in the cross over colon. A gastrographin purification assessment showed a purported crab finger appearance and numerous raised clarity in the cross over colon. From these discoveries, the determination of intussusception related with pCI was made. The bowel purge and manipulative decrease worked on the intussusception. Looking at the bowel purge discoveries when the decrease, we felt that versatile cecum could assume a significant part in the intussusception.

Keyphrases: pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis, Intussusception, portable cecum


pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis (pCI) is an uncommon condition described by the presence of air inside the submucosa or potentially subserosa of the digestive wall [1]. Stomach radiography, contrast douche, ultrasonography and processed tomography (CT) sweep can show the presence of intramural digestive gas [2, 3].

potential entanglements with pCI incorporate pneumoperitoneum, volvulus, gastrointestinal check, hole and intussusception, yet those are not successive [2, 3].

Then again, intussusception in grown-up patients is normally brought about by dangerous growth and usable treatment is much of the time picked for the treatment of that [4, 5].

In this report, we present a fascinating instance of intussusception related with pCI in a youthful male patient, who was effectively treated by douche and manipulative decrease.

Case Report:

A 29-year-elderly person who grumbled of stomach torment for a few days visited our medical clinic in June 2014. An actual assessment uncovered delicacy in the right upper mid-region. The serum levels of all factors tried were inside the typical reach including the white platelet count (5,600/µl) and C-responsive protein level (0.1 mg/dl). He had a previous history of Stevens-Johnson disorder and bronchiectasis. Also, his chest X-beam showed broadened lungs like constant obstructive pneumonic illness (COpD) patients. Stomach CT check around the same time uncovered various air-filled blisters along the digestive wall and a pseudokidney sign in the cross over colon . Be that as it may, neither ischemic change in the colonic wall nor ascites should have been visible in the CT check. Then, we played out a bowel purge with gastrographin. The douche assessment exhibited purported crab finger sign and different raised clarity in the cross over colon. We determined intussusception related to have pCI. The painstakingly performed douche and manipulative decrease worked on the intussusception. After the decrease, his stomach side effect, for example, right stomach torment before long vanished. The thusly performed colonoscopy uncovered a great deal of raised sores with smooth surface, formed like a bunch of grapes in the climbing colon .3). CT sweeps of the following day didn't show the repeat of intussusception . However he wouldn't go through hyperbaric oxygen treatment for pCI, he has not had side effects of the repeat from that point onward.


pCI is an uncommon condition wherein numerous pneumatocysts create in the submucosal or subserosa of the little or internal organ [1]. Most generally, the patients have no side effects. Once in a long while, patients might encounter side effects, for example, loose bowels, bodily fluid release, rectal dying, and stoppage [6]. potential difficulties related with pCI incorporate pneumoperitoneum, volvulus, digestive hindrance, hole and intussusception [2, 3]. As of late, the quantity of the reports of pCI has been expanding a result of the more extensive utilization of CT sweeps and colonoscopy. Nonetheless, the cases that were found with intussusception stay still extremely uncommon. pCI is characterized into idiopathic and auxiliary illness, the previous records for 15%, the last 85%, as indicated by Koss' report [7]. Auxiliary pCI has been accounted for to foster in relationship with pneumonic sickness like constant bronchitis, emphysema, and bronchial asthma, collagen illness, fiery entrail sickness (IBD), contamination infection, leukemia, dangerous growth, cerebral paralysis, injury and utilization of resistant suppressants and alpha-glucosidase inhibitors [8]. The places where pCI happens range from the throat to the rectum. Idiopathic pCI typically happens in the colon, especially the left colon. Optional pCI normally happens in the small digestive system and right colon [9]. Due to his previous history and the area of the pCI, we surmise that this case can be auxiliary pCI.

Employable treatment is normally picked for the treatment of intussusception in grown-up patients on the grounds that the most well-known reason for that is dangerous cancer [4, 5]. Moreover, assuming it is thought that intussusception causes strangulation ileus, inside ischemia, hole, and diffuse peritonitis, developing a medical procedure ought to be performed. In any case, notwithstanding performed moderate medicines, right off the bat, like difference douche and colonoscopy, can frequently give helpful demonstrative data. As a matter of fact, for our situation, the differentiation bowel purge made it conceivable to analyze that it was intussusception related with pCI.

In a few worked cases, the cecum was not fixed on the retroperitoneum, the supposed portable cecum. In those circumstances, the cecum can move somewhat openly in the stomach hole. Elechi and Elechi [10] announced that the versatile cecum can be the reason for intussusception. For our situation, the discoveries of the purification assessment 2) demonstrate that the versatile cecum can be answerable for the colic intussusception.

All in all, painstakingly performed moderate medicines, like differentiation douche and manipulative decrease, are successful for patients with intussusception related with PCI with the exception of conceivable strangulation ileus, gut ischemia, hole, and diffuse peritonitis.


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Keiichi Tadokoro . pneumatosis Cystoides Intestinalis with Intussusception in One Case. International Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2022.