Volume 3 Issue 3 Articles

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Volume 3 Issue 3 Articles

Usefulness of the Volcano Sign in Preoperative Diagnosis and Surgical Approach of Appendiceal Mucinous Cystadenoma

We report an instance of appendiceal mucinous cystadenoma that was effectively analyzed preoperatively and treated by laparoscopic resection. We could find spring of gushing lava sign on colonoscopy and cystic injury with no knobs at the informative supplement on figured tomography (CT). With practically no harmful elements...

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Typhoid Fever with Acute Appendicitis: A Rare and Not Fully Developed Association

Contaminations brought about by foodborne intestinal microorganisms including typhoidal and non-typhoidal Salmonella species can imitate side effects of intense a ruptured appendix. The relationship between such bacterial microorganisms and pathology-demonstrated intense a ruptured appendix has been portrayed, yet this connection is ineffectively perceived...

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