Volume 1 Issue 2 Articles

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Volume 1 Issue 2 Articles

Following endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, there was splenic injury

Splenic injury following endoscopy is an interesting however possibly deadly intricacy. While this has been found to happen all the more often after colonoscopy, splenic injury following endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) remains profoundly exceptional since its originally detailed case in 1989. Without a doubt, there have been just 19 such cases revealed in the English...

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Adult with Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding and Bochdalek Hernia.

Bochdalek hernia (BH) can be a hazardous condition in babies. Roughly 85.3% of infants with a BH are promptly at high gamble and have a high death rate because of respiratory deficiency [Kocakusak et al.: Hernia 2005;9: 284-287]. In any case, BH is practically asymptomatic in grown-ups and found just unexpectedly [Wilkins et al.: Clin Imaging 1994;18: 224-229]. Convoluted BH in grown-ups could give instinctive detainment and deadly difficulties...

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Two benign hepatic nodules with pulmonary hypertension: A Case Report

Two benign liver lesions with little malignant potential are nodular regenerative hyperplasia and hepatocellular adenoma. It appears that nodular regenerative hyperplasia is an adaptive response to hepatic vasculopathy. The usage of anabolic steroids, oestrogen, metabolic disorders, and vascular abnormalities are all linked to hepatocellular adenoma. We describe an interesting case of...

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